
Custom Tailoring Software: A Digital Future for Fashion Industry

Everyone with a conscience and a wardrobe knows that fast fashion is killing the planet. Fashion is cited as the second most polluting industry in the world, and COVID-19 has proved that the production chains shipping billions of cheaply made garments from Asia to the West are profoundly unsustainable. Our tailoring software will assist your business to improve the supply chain with its customization solutions as you would only manufacture as per the demands rose by customers.


Custom Tailoring Software Emerging as a Digital Future of Fashion Industry


The garment industry is experiencing a digital wave. The need for sustainable fashion has become one of the significant reasons for technology to become so synonymous with style in today’s era. In the wake of the recent pandemic, small and medium-sized companies are finding it hard to survive in this condition. Therefore, many industry experts are promoting sales of clothing using various platforms, such as social media. And another solution to combat this problem is mass customization.

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Here are the Core Element Determining the Growth in the Apparel Industry:


  • Faster Delivery with 3D Technology


A custom-made process is often stereotyped as a slow and cumbersome process wherein the deliverables are received within a time frame of 15–21 days, which is why most consumers opt for retail sizing even if it doesn’t fit them most of the time. But, as more people are moving towards customization, and more brands are catering to these growing demands of customers, the customization is instead turning out to be a faster delivery technology.


Besides, the recent technological advancements in the fashion industry, traditional custom-made techniques are slowly becoming extinct and being replaced by digital customization processes. In digital customization, options are visible in 3D mapping wherein a consumer can physically see and make the changes he/she wants. It is easy and efficient. Another exciting retail innovation for measurements is 3D body scanning. Today, 3D body scanners measure body measurements in just five seconds with an accuracy of 99.9 percent. The fashion tailoring is a software that comes with the default feature of customization that will help your buyers scan the apparel they want to buy and get the product delivered on time.


  • Mass Customization is the futureMass-Customization-is-the-future


Mass customization reduces the chances of returns, eliminates excess stock inventory, and leads to zero or no inventory. Zero inventories save a considerable amount of waste from being dumped annually into the environment. And here, fashion technology plays a pivotal role in the sector. It bridges the gap between sustainability and excess inventory. It is a big-time savior for organic fibers that are being replaced by synthetic ones. By using digital customization with natural organic fibers, we can work towards a better and improved industry with less excess inventory and no textile waste.


  • Artificial Intelligence Gets Things Done 


Also, with artificial intelligence and digital customization, consumers have become more open. They understand the pain points and the excess inventory, which results from mass production. In the coming years, mass production will be replaced by mass customization, leading to no excess inventory and also zero waste. When a garment is customized, its chances of fitting the consumer are higher compared to the mass production process. Therefore, there is little waste.


Closing Comments- 

In a nutshell, mass-customization, coupled with the latest technology, will help manufacturers to produce apparel faster and offer a great fit to a consumer. This factor is going to be a game-changer for mass customization. Consumers are offered the option to change the style and fit of a garment online, rather than trying out several styles. With digital customization, this goes a step forward towards fashion innovation. The 3d tailoring software by iDesigniBuy will help your business emerge as an evergreen brand that remains unmoved by any trend changes in the apparel industry.


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