Shoe Design Software Leads Brands Towards Digital Future

Shoe Design Software Leads Brands Towards Digital Future

There wouldn’t be any fashion clients unwilling to shop online. It was earlier presumed that high-class buyers who would buy shoes and stuff from big fashion houses would refrain themselves from adopting tech-savvy trends. And in fact, brands would also cater to this demand and offer offline services. But the time has changed and so has the consumer-buyer relationship. Today’s buyers are willing to click ‘buy now’ from their couches instead of shopping at an atelier. And this is our expertise. Our design shoes online enable brands to provide customization services to its buyers and let them design their pair of footwear from the comfort of home.

 Shoe Design Software Leads Brands Towards Digital Future


Shoe Design Software Helps Brands Embrace Digital Technology 


A surfeit of retail space is now being reported globally, and landlords are desperate to fill their empty units. Appear Here, an online marketplace for retail space covering the US, the UK, and France, saw an increase of 125 percent in available retail space listed between June to August. This shows how much people embrace digital technology and are supporting the luxury brands in the time of crises.



Considering the case of Dolce & Gabbana, when entire Italy was shut, the group investigated and invested in resources to reach out to their audiences with personalized messages that reminded them of purchases and parties in the past. They took orders based on past collections and tailored new designs to a pandemic lifestyle.


Here are a few ways how brands are resurfacing their products through a digital medium:

  • Reach out a Digitally-Savvy Market 


When digitization was first discussed among the fashion experts, it was ridiculed by many thinking customers would give any weightage to the technology. But to their surprise, buyers not only welcome the step after it was taken in haphazardly but also demanded more from it. Let’s take the case of Givenchy that offers numerous digital innovations to its customers and always finds a ground-breaking way to announce its new product. It also never shied away from forming collaborations with other giants. Recently, Givenchy took the opportunity to reveal its exclusive new partnership with Tiger Onitsuka sneakers during its runway presentation. It was the first time the House of Givenchy has partnered with an outside sneaker manufacturer on a global scale; it is also a first for the Japanese company, which has never before worked with a luxury fashion house.


  • Combine Various Resources

The combination of high-touch, personalized messaging, and digital sales made easy through platforms like WhatsApp and WeChat indicate that luxury’s top spenders are willing to shop online, as long as it’s tailored to them. As long as collections still resonate, they’ll buy. The design your own shoes online takes care of the designing processes as it enables brands to offer customization solutions to its buyers through which they can create their pair of shoes. And with the help of its digital platforms and the consumer, minute details have changed and head for final payment.


  • Provide Unique In-store Customer Experience 


All the fashion brands and especially the footwear brands, are thriving in the market is because they have either developed or implemented technology that helps provide a never-felt before customer experience. For example, Puma, a leading sports apparel company, created a digital in-store experience around the whole purchasing process: From picking up the product to interacting with it. As soon as buyers take the PUMA ONE or PUMA FUTURE from the bootwall, they get information about the boot displayed on the screen above the wall. The Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology recognizes the boot you pick up and displays bespoke content.


  • Create an Eco-Friendly Impact on Buyers 


No matter how successful you are in the business, if you don’t look after your customers and nature, you will come crashing down very soon. The footwear brands need to be extra conscious in this sector as they are the ones using the leather the most. Therefore, leading brands like Bobbies are adopting a responsible approach. They value people and the environment and manufacture shoes by giving their customers daily attention, an ecological approach, and sustainable materials to save the planet.


Your Wish is Our Command-

From the points mentioned above, one thing is clear: the more you prevent yourself from entering, the more you are losing your audience. In these circumstances, the wise decision would be to adhere to these digital trends and accept the new reality. The change in the footwear industry is for the better. The full custom shoes by iDesigniBuy will help brands adopt the novel technological innovation while also keeping their sales sturdy and smooth.


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